

The Little Rann of Kachchh

Shubhangi Singh: How often does one experience a terrain that is as dramatically transformative in it’s characteristic as one found in The Little Rann of Kachchh? Like a seasonal cloak, The Little Rann of Kachchh (LRK) adorns itself with different landscapes,… Continue Reading →


Saturday 30th April 2016, the government of Kenya took a historic stand against ivory trade. 105 tons of ivory arranged in eleven pyres and one pyre of rhino horns were set ablaze in the Worth More Alive campaign. The tusks… Continue Reading →

Matunda Miti: A solution to Climate Change

Matunda ya miti is what fruit trees are popularly referred to in Kenya. Only 20% of all the land in Kenya is arable. Even so, a third of the population directly depends on rain-fed agriculture with the bulk of them… Continue Reading →

Saving Seeds for Climate Resilience

In the foothills of Tehri Garhwal, far from the hustle and life of the city, and improperly connected by roads and untouched by urbanization, lays a quaint village – Jardhar Gaon. I came here with my team to learn about… Continue Reading →

Agents of Change– Compilation Video

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